Sunday, March 28, 2010

1st Post on the New Blog!

I FINALLY have a new blog, and one that lets me post better pictures! Good idea, right? Since I was taught, "every photographer must have a blog," I figured the whole picture aspect of it is pretty important..... As for the writing part....I'm not a professional by any means so bare with me..

So I have been more busy in the last few weeks than I ever could have imagined. Starting a business is an amazing experience.....yet exhausting! What have I been doing? Deep breath.....
*Taking business classes
*Building websites (and blogs)
*Setting up merchant accounts
*Buying as much equipment as my wallet will let me
*Researching different products & finding the best prof. labs to produce them
*Opening up my business bank account
*Applying for tax IDs and Ein's
*Booking shoots
*Planning, planning, planning for each shoot that is booked
*Marketing! AKA getting the word out for group shoots...examples: Hamilton, Easter weekend. (more about that one later.)
*And....Oh yeah! My other full time everything else is just evenings and weekends.

Good thing that I'm loving every second of it :)

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